Premco EpoxCrack

Epoxy Concrete Crack Injection Systems

Epoxy Crack Injection Resin can mitigate problems of cracked concrete with larger and finer cracks. ACI specifies crack widths that are acceptable in structures under defined conditions.  ACI 224R-012 provides a guideline for crack widths for reinforced concrete under service loads for new construction. Crack widths deemed acceptable may range from 0.004 in. (0.1 mm) to 0.016 in. (0.41 mm), and even smaller widths for concrete in wet or aggressive environments. These crack dimensions would be considered fine, as would hairline cracks.

While cracking may not influence structural performance, it can reduce structural durability.

Post-cure and drying shrinkage, thermal stress, chemical reaction caused by alkali-reactive silica & sulphates, freezing and thaw cycles due to water expansion, steel rebar corrosion, settlement, load stresses, and design and construction errors can cause concrete cracking.

Steel reinforcement in structural concrete allows these parts to function under compression and strain, causing tension-induced fracturing in some areas.

Water corrodes concrete in parking garages, bridges, industrial structures, and more. Water, chloride, and carbon dioxide can penetrate the reinforcing structure and cause corrosion.

Water penetration through fissures or damaged joints transports corrosive chemicals including chlorides that degrade concrete and corrode steel reinforcements and rebar. Epoxy concrete crack injection can fix several of these difficulties in constructions with evidence of them. A skilled concrete repair team can often avoid a complete deconstruction.


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